“I lost my cousin and nearly lost my son to typhoid ” -Okonjo Iweala

The Former Minister of Finance and current chairman of the board of Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI), Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala reveals how she almost lost her child to typhoid disease.

In her words at a fund raising ceremony. she revealed how she had lost a cousin to the disease and how it almost claimed her son’s life.
She said,
“Typhoid fever imposes a dramatic burden on children in the poorest nations affecting countries, communities and families. This disease has long been eliminated from most industrialised nations, but it is still a serious threat in developing countries where the vast majority of deaths occur. I lost my cousin and nearly lost my son because of typhoid. This vaccine will be a lifesaver for millions of children, especially those living without access to clean water or sanitation.”

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