OMG!! Man Bursts into Flames In London.

One man, Identified as John Nolan has reportedly bursted into flames in front of horrified onlookers while walking down London street.

The former construction worker who is from County Mayo in Ireland was taken to the hospital after the incident but died later. Specialist fire investigators found no obvious reason why 70 year-old John Nolan, might have caught fire.
Detectives said his death was being treated as unexplained.
PC Damien Ait-Amer, who is investigating the death, said, “We have spoken with a number of witnesses who saw Mr Nolan ablaze, but we have yet to establish how the fire started.”
“Mr Nolan was a well-liked member of the community and none of our enquiries so far have indicated that he had been involved in a dispute of any sort. Nor does any account given by witnesses suggest that he had been in contact with another person at the time of the fire.”

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