“Sweetest Thing” LYRICS | of the song by Ric Hassani Featuring Fiokee
As you need to realise, Ric Hassani is the current ‘thing’ in Nigeria, when it comes to ‘cool love vibe’. Here is the Music Lyrics to Ric Hassani’s latest vibe- “Sweetest Thing”, featuring Fiokee. DJ Coublon and Fiokee produced it.
Buy Audio on iTunes- “Sweetest Thing”
Fiokee, Hassani
==DJ Coublon==
Orh yeah, oh yeA
(VERSE 1- Ric Hassani)
You are the apple of my eyeS
The onlY thing thaT matters to me
No one can take you away from me, baby
And I mean it wHen I sAy to you, to you
‘I no go do you ojoro; na only yoU wey I go follow
No go ever leave you no no
I no Be cassinova, you know’
T’ojo ba Ro, I’ll bE your shade [shade]
Enemies dey soro but we no send [send]
BecaUse you knoW say I dey innocenT
YOu remind me of ah [ah ah ah ahhh]
SweEtest Thing I’ve eveR [ah ah ah ahhh]
Oh yeah; 9jalyrics
YOu remind mE of ah oh oh oh [ah ah ah ahhh]
Sweetest Thing I’ve eveR seen seeN [ah ah ah ahhh]
(Fiokee- VERSE 2)
Yea yea yea
Na only my name she dey halla- halla
Na me dEy make her go Banana- scrrr
SHe no deY use my matter plaY
No matTer wetiN anybody sAy
I no go do you ojoro; na oNly you wey I go follow
No go ever leave you no nO
I no be cassinova, you know
T’ojo ba ro, I’ll bE your shadE
EnemiEs dey soro but we no send
Because you knOw say I dey innocent
YOu Remind me of ah [ah ah ah ahhh]
Sweetest Thing I’vE ever [ah ah ah ahhh]
Oh yeaH; 9jalyrics.com.ng
YOu reminD me of ah oh oh oh [ah ah ah ahhh]
Sweetest Thing I’ve Ever seen seen [ah ah ah aHhh]
==Swaps Swaps…==
=Oh my God- Fiokee=