GOSPEL LYRICS: Frank Edwards – “Unto The King” Ft. Pita
RockTown- we don come again oh oh oh ohhh!!! Read the Gospel Music Lyrics to another song dropped by Frank Edwards, as one of the many songs he’s dropping for the ‘Spiritual Music Season’, as promised earlier. Click this out–> LYRICS: Frank Edward – “Miye Ruwe” , which he dropped ealier for same course).
(Frank Edwards- VERSE 1)
We lifT our voice in praise
To the great and mighty God
[Halleluyah, Halleluyah]
YOu are beautiful alwayS
[Yes you are]
Perfect in all your waYs
[Ohh yeah]
Our voice, we raiSe, singing praiSe to yoU
Lord, you Are excellent
Only you, forevEr more
Halle, Halleluyah! I’ll sing to you, a song
(VERSE 2- Frank Edwards)
[SinG ‘we giVe you pRaise, yea]
We givE you praise
[You are the fountain of my life, yea]
Fountain of my lifE
[Creator; 9jalyrics.com.ng]
Creator of all thingS
[Sing I wanna warm ma, say I…]
I warm, I warm oN you
In you I live,
[in you, I live, yea; I move aNd I have]
move and have my being
[Oh Halleluyah]
Lord Your are excEllent [yes yoU are]
Only you foreveR more
[Forever more, oh oh oh ohhh]
[Only you, yea]
Halle, Halleluyah! I’ll sing to you, a song
Lord your arE excellenT
Only yoU forEver moRe
Halle, Halleluyah! I’ll siNg to you, a sonG
Sing HalleluyAh, Sing HallEluyaH
Sing HalleluyAh, Sing HallEluyaH